Geordamili Publications presented on May 19, 2017 the album «Flying in Greece » of the late aerial photographer Chrysostomos Fountis, the event took place under the auspices of the Group for UNESCO Arts, Speech & Sciences of Greece.
- George Economou – Representative of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Diplomatic Field of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Efstathios Veltsos – Special Scientific Advisor of the Ministry of Culture
- Konstantinos Vavaletskos – Vice President of ΓΕΚΤΕΡΝΑ
- Nikolaos A. Vervikos – President of the International Chamber of Commerce, Ship-owner
- Ioannis Jen – President of the Association of Greek-Russian Friendship and Cooperation
- Nina Diakovasili – President of the Group for UNESCO of Arts, Speech & Sciences of Greece

The event was held courtesy of the AEGEAN.
The presentation was coordinated by Ilianna Zalokosta.
In the musical band: Piano Eleftheria Aidonopoulou, lyre and singing Konstantinos Fountis, lute Giannis Paliakis.
The music investment of the screening videos regarding the night of the presentation was kindly sponsored by the composer Stamatis Spanoudakis.